What's Your Story?
We're really excited to be partnering with Amanda Butel this year because Amanda is passionate about seeing young people take control of their lives. That's why she has developed the "Your Story" program.
What is Your Story??
Your Story is about giving people the chance to tell their story in a safe environment, bringing structure and meaning to their history, externalising their problems, and empowering them to recognise new possibilities and create fresh beginnings.
It feels good to give our experiences (no matter how tragic), thoughts and feelings a framework; and share them with a friend. This dispels the intensity of life's struggles, and helps us gather vigour for forward direction and momentum.
Your Story uses creative methods of story retelling through art and creative mediums to give young people a voice. They are empowered to share their stories in a way that distances themselves from their traumatic experiences.
Through exploring Your Story, young people have a chance to debrief, process, connect with others, purge shame, explore thankfullness, overcome stress, anxiety and depression, and re-engage with their future to reach their potential.
Amanda has a BA (Psych) from the University of Qld and a post Grad Cert in Human Services from Griffith University. She has managed teams of counsellors working with at risk youth, developed many empowering resources, and has spent years volunteering for humanitarian causes in South East Asia.
We have been collaborating with Amanda over the last 6 months to bring "Your Story" on board with "The Potential Project" as the programs complement each other perfectly and meet our vision and objectives. So it is our very special honour to join with Amanda in empowering our young people at risk!